
Project Details

Integration of RE Technologies in Buildings (BEEP-RE)

Project 3: Geo-thermal Primary Healthcare Centre in Thiksey, Ladakh

About the Project :

EESL is working with Ladakh administration on various interventions in energy efficiency areas including lighting, mobility, home-appliances etc. Meeting these needs through carbon free sources would require innovation and execution of a range of technologies and new hybrid systems which on energy transition.

In order to support carbon neutral program, EESL is supporting Department of Health & Medical Education (H&ME), Govt. of UT Ladakh to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy interventions at the health facilities of Ladakh.

Project Information :

The team conducted site surveys of sample Sub Centres, Primary Health Centres, and Community Health Centres to estimate the extent of energy-saving measures that could be implemented and replicated across all the facilities in Ladakh. Based on the survey results, the team then identified the energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for implementation and proposed the pilot demonstration at PHC Thiksay.

Role of BEEP-RE:

After performing site surveys of five sites while conducting survey and data collection regarding lighting and equipment inventory, building layout and construction, current heating system and availability of space for installation of geo-source heat pump. Further, BEEP-RE team performed the duties such as:

  • Compiled the data collected at site to develop the appliance and equipment inventory.
  • Analyzed the data to suggest potential EE and RE intervention such as geo-source heat pump, renewable energy integration, efficient lighting, Energy Metering, etc.
  • Developed a detailed proposal for demonstration of geo-source heat pump at the selected site, Thiksey.


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