About Us
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has funded "Integration of Renewable Energy in Buildings in India." The project's goal is to design, showcase, and monitor building integrated and innovative renewable energy technologies that are suitable for and affordable in the local environment, as well as applicable for various types of buildings, which are currently receiving a lot of attention from the Indian government. The integration of Renewable energy in buildings has a high potential to complement the designs of efficient & high-performance new buildings and achieve a reduction in the carbon footprint of buildings by reducing the energy requirements from conventional technologies to a minimum. These building-integrated sources allow using local resources, reduce distribution losses and take advantage of the large surface occupied by different categories of buildings. The most common examples of Building Integrated Renewable Energy Sources are solar systems on roofs or facades, small biomass boilers, small wind turbines, or geothermal energy.
Pilot Projects
Identified RE Technologies
BEEP-RE is the collaborative team between IIEC and BASE which works with key stakeholders across RE technologies integration in buildings to identify, select and implement optimal technology based on context, typology and occupancy load.
Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE), Switzerland Stiftung BASE is a Swiss non-profit foundation and a specialized partner of United Nations Environment. Founded in 2001, the core mission is....
IIEC is a non-governmental (NGO), not-for-profit organization, which was established in 1984, to foster the implementation of energy efficiency in developing countries and countries in transition.....