Events Details
The online workshop was held on 23rd June 2020 where experts from government and private sector discussed the experiences and opinions on RE integration in buildings in India. The team conducted multiple workshops to engage with field experts regarding the issues surrounding the uptake of RE systems in India.
The webinar proceedings began with welcome remarks from Mr. Anant Joshi, Project Manager, IIEC, he introduced all the speakers and briefly explained the project. Then the session started with a welcome address given by Mr. Anand Shukla, Senior Thematic Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The event then proceeded into a discussion session beginning with Mr. Anand Shukla, Senior Thematic Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Mr. Shukla set the floor for discussion for the webinar by welcoming all the panelists and speakers.
After that Mr. Shukla invited Mr. Sanjay Dube, President, and CEO of IIEC. He explained the project which is looking into the right type of renewable energy technology and how to integrate financing, business model, interfering with facades of the building, design of the building, acceptability of energy, and limitations in terms of repair and maintenance. And the second part of the program is its pilot stage where buildings are being chosen and their demand and requirements are being analyzed in terms of financing and other needs. Further, Mr. Dube mentioned future plans to get finances from leading financing institutes and publications project guidebooks and manuals at the end of three-years.
The highlights of the workshop were: