
Events Details

Integration of RE Technologies in Buildings (BEEP-RE)

Meeting with Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt. Ltd (BEEP EE project)

Sep 12, 2020
reliableEnergy system

IIEC described project objectives and activities for Renewable energy integration in Buildings in India. • The project’s core objective is to demonstrate the building integrated renewable energy systems in India • IIEC Team is working with national and international technology providers having potential for Indian buildings. • The project team is also looking at development of business models for financing the renewable energy technology. • GKSPL shared the objectives and scope of current phase of the BEEP EE project. The project is primarily focusing on implementation of Eco Niwas Samhita (ENS). • BEEP EE project has identified Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh for implementation of ENS. The project is working with Rajasthan police, RSRDC, Mahindra for implementation of ENS. • BEEP EE project is also working on testing shading technologies, development of tool for CFD based of wind flow analysis and training of students and professionals on architectural and engineering aspects of energy efficiency in building including energy simulation and building heat transfers • The GKSPL team shared that during designing the Energy efficiency features for buildings the RE part is lightly touched upon by the team based on the client request. • IIEC team explained the role of BEEP RE project in providing the technical assistance to building projects for designing, evaluation and selection of appropriate RE technologies. • IIEC team agreed on supporting the potential pilot projects of BEEP for meeting the end use energy consumption through RE options available at site. • BEEP RE also have training and capacity building component and both the projects can further explore the opportunity to jointly develop the holistic EE and RE trainings for building sector stakeholders.


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